Angry Dog’s Mom Got Her A Kitten Because She Hated Being Left Alone

When Samantha Kreisler visited a Miami animal shelter in 2014, she decided to adopt the skinniest, saddest-looking puppy there — but the staff tried to talk her out of it.

“They urged me multiple times that she would be a lot of work due to malnourishment and a mystery skin condition on her back legs,” Kreisler told The Dodo.

But Kreisler insisted. “We had an immediate connection,” she said. “She was so sad and quiet in her cage all alone. The second we took her out for her ‘test walk,’ she started wagging and kissing and jumping.”

Woman hugging leashed puppy

Woman hugging leashed puppy
Kreisler hugging Lady right after she adopted her | SAMANTHA KREISLER

Later that day, Kreisler walked out of the shelter with the sickly puppy, whom she named Lady.

“I took her straight to the vet and they did some tests and found that she had ringworm that was causing her loss of hair and oozing skin,” Kreisler said.

Woman holding dog on her back

Lady also had diarrhea and she needed to gain a lot of weight. Her biggest issue, however, was anxiety.

Woman and dog sitting on university signWoman holding dog on her back

“I saw from an early age that she had anxiety whenever I left her alone,” Kreisler said. “She would literally get physically sick whenever I left her.”

At the time, Kreisler was a student at the University of Miami, and she was often away at class — but she figured out a solution.

Leashed dog lying on floor of classroomScared looking kitten inside cardboard box
Lady lying on the floor of Kreisler’s university classroom | SAMANTHA KREISLER

“With the approval of my really chill marine science teachers, I took her to every single class for the rest of my college career,” Kreisler said. “She was always so well-behaved and just loved being around people.”

But when Kreisler started her master’s degree, her new professors weren’t as accommodating — Lady was no longer allowed to attend class. So Kreisler got another idea.

Dog and kittens snuggling togetherWoman and dog sitting on university sign

“I noticed that she had an affinity for my neighbor’s cat, Bruce,” Kreisler said. “He was an indoor-outdoor cat in Florida, and she would constantly go over and lick him. So I decided to get a kitten for Lady.”

Kreisler went back to the same city shelter where she’d adopted Lady. And once again, Kreisler was drawn to one of the loneliest animals there — a tiny, 1-pound kitten.

Dog sniffing kitten in blanketScared looking kitten inside cardboard box
Kitty shortly after she was adopted | SAMANTHA KREISLER

“I found this one little thing sitting all alone in a cage by herself,” Kreisler said. “I went in a room to hold her and she immediately fell asleep on my chest. I loved her immediately.”

Lady also loved the kitten, whom Kreisler starting calling Kitty after the kitten didn’t respond to the name Roo.

Dog and kittens snuggling together
Lady and Kitty on the first day they met | SAMANTHA KREISLER

“Kitty was unsure at first,” she added. “I mean, Lady fell in love at first sight so she came on a bit strong, but once Kitty fell asleep on Lady’s warm tummy, she was in love.”

Dog sniffing kitten in blanket

“Lady brought Kitty her favorite toys,” Kreisler said. “And once even brought her doggy bed over. My heart melted.”

Now Lady and Kitty don’t do anything without the other.

“Every morning they wake up and groom each other,” Kreisler said. “They eat together. In the summer they love, love, love to sit on the porch together. Lady likes to watch the cars and the people, while Kitty focuses on squirrels and birds. They’re an inseparable duo.”

Dog and cat snuggling together on bedDog and cat snuggling together on bed

They’re always playing too, and it’s usually Kitty who instigates. “Kitty will surprise attack Lady all the time,” Kreisler said. “And Lady and Kitty love to play chase. Kitty will come out and surprise Lady and then she will sprint down the hall with Lady running after her.”

Dog and cat snuggling togetherDog and cat snuggling together

Lady doesn’t seem to mind being chased — she adores her little feline sister. And since Kitty has come into her life, Lady’s anxiety has disappeared and she no longer gets sick, Kreisler said.

Dog holding leash attached to catDog holding leash attached to cat

“They are sisters and best friends,” Kreisler said. “They are there for each other.”

Dog and cat cuddling together on bedDog and cat cuddling together on bed

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