A woman notices a stranger leading an animal parade down the street.

One day, while visiting her mother’s home in Turkey, Dilara İlter noticed a remarkable scene unfolding outside the window. There, on the street below, İlter spotted a…

A stray dog finds the workplace of a man who was kind to her.Such a smart pup 😍

Last month, Mohd Ridhuan came across a pack of stray dogs at a beach where he hangs out with his friends in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Ridhuan has…

Guy Takes The Shirt Off His Back And Gives It To A Cold Stray Dog

To some, it may seem like just a small gesture.  But there’s no doubt that it meant the world to this cold, lonely pup. The other day,…

A shelter dog that has been separated from his best friend will not stop calling for him.

At Miami Dade animal services, a dog named Schwabo cried for days in his kennel. He missed his family, and most importantly, his best friend Rocky. The lonely howls…

After being rescued separately, bonded dogs have the sweetest reunion.“They needed each other” ❤️️

When rescuer Suzette Hall first responded to a phone call about a pair of stray dogs who needed help, two things suggested that the dogs were extremely bonded….

‘Scared’ Stray Dog Reunites With Rescuer Who Drove Hours To Save Him. “It was just the sweetest thing” ❤️

Rocky spent countless days wandering a remote construction site before someone spotted him. Scared and fearful of people, the 1-year-old border collie mix cautiously watched as an animal…

Rescuers Fight a Lightning Storm to Save Abandoned Sisters.“There were definitely a few tears.”

As lightning flashed menacingly across the black and blue sky, rescue team Katelyn Mannion, Kim Reid and Fiona Mc Clintock were undeterred. They knew that somewhere out…

Every day, Tiny Dog looks forward to seeing her favorite mailman.

It’s safe to say that no one gets as excited about the arrival of the mail truck as Frannie. The little dog’s whole day revolves around it….

Adorable Stray Puppy Was Born With A Permanent Squint

When a vet in Antigua found a little puppy in a cardboard box on his doorstep, he could immediately tell she was special. The tiny puppy’s permanent squint and…

Climbers 23,000 feet up a mountain are pursued by a stray dog.“I have had dogs follow me on climbs before, but never on something like this.”

Don Wargowsky is an avid climber who is passionate about what he does, so when he was asked to lead an expedition of international climbers through Mera…