At the shelter, the dog couldn’t stop shaking because he was terrified.

When Texas shelter volunteer Paige King saw a tan mixed-breed dog shaking in a kennel at Fort Worth Animal Care and Control, she knew she had to help…

The smallest puppy was almost put down because he was terrified of the shelter.

“It broke our hearts … and we wanted to bring him into our home so that he would never feel scared and alone again”❤️️❤️️❤️️ Odyn was very,…

A dog rescued from a backyard breeder was so terrified that she stopped breathing around people.

Alsana belonged to a backyard breeder in Massachusetts and gave birth to litter after litter of puppies for years, until the breeder finally no longer had any…

Dog Who Has Been Chained For 14 Years Can’t Believe He’s Finally Loved

“The one thing he had with him through everything was a beat-up, muddy old tennis ball. His tail didn’t stop wagging for a second and all he…

The dog that used to live outside is overjoyed to be sleeping in a bed for the first time.

Nala was rescued from a dirty, trash-filled backyard in Detroit where she spent all of her time. She was never allowed to go inside, and since she was…

Service Dog Is Overjoyed to Meet Her Favorite Disney Princess

Nala the service dog works hard every day. So when she finally gets a moment to relax, she deserves it. And there’s one place that Nala knows…

This Pittie Can’t Sleep Unless He Has His Little Girl With Him.”It’s always together and that’s all that matters to them.”

One little girl named Scarlett has discovered the secret to a good night’s sleep: her 99-pound rescue pit bull. The Geiger family adopted Lebowski from Priceless Pet Rescue four…

A friendly stray dog notices a tethered puppy and works to free him.

Recently, Dmitriy Timchenko bore witness to a touching scene of canine solidarity at its finest. Timchenko and a friend were visiting a store earlier this week in the…

The Best-Behaved Birthday Party Ever for Dogs.

Throwing a party for 12 dogs can get pretty wild, but the pups at Lending Paws Pet Care are the goodest boys and girls you’ll ever meet.  Whenever a…

Every Morning, A Sweet Stray Dog Visits The Café ; This Is Love.

For the last several months, due to the lockdown, Dulci Barbosa’s café business in Brazil has been shuttered — but she never stopped serving meals to one…